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In the meantime, check out some goodies I’ve got for you below!

Read some words on ReWilding your Biz & Life

Wild Entrepreneur Woman Business Spiritual Water Ocean Wisdom

Yes it was cold. In a good, healing way. Mother Ocean always has wisdom to share for those who listen with humbleness …

Wild Entrepreneur Woman Business Imbolc Dreams Realisation Motivation

It feels like it’s hardly been winter yet, but already new life is emerging all around. Definite Imbolc energy: optimistic, full of …

Wild Entrepreneur Woman Business Wolf Moon Wisdom

After almost eighteen years of working with the Moon, I put little weight in "this Full Moon is named such and such" - there are so many different views, all with very plausible reasoning. I'm much more interested in connecting with the name, feel and energy of a certain Full Moon on an individual basis - what does it feel like to you? What awakens in you when gazing at Her pale light? What is stirring when you connect to your Wild Knowing deep within?

Whatever you do... Run Wild!

Get in touch!