Reconnect to your Wild Nature

Run your Business the Soulful Way

Feel inside your heart...

Do you hear the Call of the Wild?

Being wild means being authentically you. It means being free in who you truly are. It means living your Soul Purpose on this Earth. 

It means striving to be these things however much you can right now, and realising that you are perfect in every possible way, however flawed you or others might perceive you to be. It means moving with the dips and rises of the flow of life. It means owning your power, because you have power, and you are incredibly significant, in the vastness and greatness of this magnanimous experience called Life. 

It means embracing your connection to Nature, thriving in the exchange of energy between yourself and the natural world. It means aiding your clients, fully in tune with your Self, with the gifts you naturally hold, and your authentic spirit speaking forth.

Here's how I can help you

Connect to your inner Wild – and bring your intuition to the forefront of your entrepreneurship. 

Apply your Soul guidance in your business, every day!


Intuition-led business

Go where your Soul is guiding you. Put your intuitive knowing into practice, and help your clients in the way that suits both of you the best.


Soulful Marketing

Connect with your ideal clients from Heart to Heart. No fearmongering, shaming or scarcity-based tactics. Market your business in a profoundly authentic and easy way.


Grounded in the Earth

Understand how your body interacts as part of the natural world. Ground yourself fully in your Wild Self, and express yourself with all that you are. Feel the support of your spiritual guides.

Coming soon
Free E-Book
Your One-Page Wild Business Model

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free ebook wild business women intuition freedom spirituality wild woman natural sacred feminine

Work With Me

Do you feel like you need to hide your true self (unpopular opinion, quirks, funny sounds) when marketing your business?

Do you struggle to find clients who resonate with you, spiritually, physically, financially? 

Do you find it challenging to move forward in challenging times, where problems we face as a species seem overwhelming? 

Within the framework of The Wild Entrepreneur, you will find everything you need to embrace yourself fully. You’ll be guided to share your offerings in a centered and abundant way. You’ll find the support to connect deeply to Source and your Wild, Free Self – where you always have the power to deal with the challenges before you. 

Most Recent Writings

Wildness  education and exploration – Business done the Wild way – Musings and poetry to deepen your experience

There is a lot happening these days. Unless you’re literally living under a rock, you’re continuously exposed to images and words about the biggest problems we’re facing as a society.Which is good. The old system …

These hands tell a story. Every line, every spot of darkened skin, every visible vein… My grandmother is 95 years old. She’s always been strong, both physically and mentally. Wherever she walked, she held her …

Midsummer is the time to shine with all the light inside of you. It is the time to reap the first harvest. You’ve worked so hard the last few months, nurturing the sprouts you’ve sown …

My Wish For You

Gorgeous, please feel free to be as wild as you are. May you remember you are a child of the Universe, just as the trees and the stars. May you know, deep within your bones, that you have a right to be here, just as you are. You and your beautiful gifts deserve to be seen and to be shared with the world. Exactly as you want them to be – whether it’s on a giant stage with blinding lights, speaking to 50.000 people… or whether it’s in a cozy soft-lit chamber of your house, coaching your client one on one. 

Make your art. Share your gifts. Speak your truth. 

Trust your Wild Soul. You know the way.

Kayleigh Smith Wild Entrepreneur Work With Me About Client